Monday, April 8, 2013


     Educating the "acquisition community," including the program managers, program staff, customers, and others whose participation is vital to a successful acquisition of complex weapon systems.
     Only education can teach the acquisition personnel hot to create, apply and manage technology. Educating Personnel will ease integration problems. The scope of education and training program should include the following:
          .               Ongoing education of acquisition personnel with particular emphasis on educating newly assigned personnel.
         .               Ongoing education of contractors to promote understanding of the program spirit and intention. Particular emphasis should be given to educating contractors on the requirements for responsibility and responsiveness and on contract provisions and bidding procedures. Numerous approaches can be used to accomplish education goals and involvement, such as the use of training films, videotapes, pamphlets, emphasis letters, courses, briefings, etc. Education can occur within the organization via meetings, briefings, team discussion, etc. However DoD and acquisition managers can also utilize other sources such as universities, research institutes etc.
     Educating the acquisition work force will create a world-class learning organization. Last two decades dramatic changes occurred in how we buy goods and services with the internet and technology becoming a significant part of our lives. Many of these changes are based on best commercial practices, new complex technological systems. These are often very different from the way industry performed jobs in the past. Therefore, companies need to offer quality education and training to help all acquisition work-force adjust to this new environment. This education and training should include a description of the new practices and an understanding of why these changes were made. They must continue training throughout careers to ensure that the work force stays current with best commercial and also governmental practices and latest IT. Only by continuing education can companies avoid creating a new system as rigid as the old. Continuous education provides the means to keep people current professionally, as well as to shape the skill mix of a company's acquisition work force for this millennium.
     An education and training plan is very helpful. In this plan, long term and short term education schedules will be planned for every personnel. Establishing a minimum education and training time limit for every year for acquisition work force is a necessary goal. Most of this training can take place in traditional classrooms. We shall expand use of computing and telecommunications technology to provide more cost-effective and timely training via satellite and the Internet.
     Today large scale acquisition companies need managers to manage suppliers, rather than supplies, and engineers to design systems, rather than components. A smaller, differently skilled work force will have to be well educated, fully trained, and continuously learning. Middle or large size companies can also make agreements with civilian universities for personnel education programs.
     In an era of diminishing resources, we can no longer afford to continue training employees in traditional methods. Because of the need to get timely information to the acquisition work force, other training methods and approaches must be utilized. Through the use of satellite training broadcasts, web-based training, and other distance learning methodologies, we will be able to deliver critical acquisition information to the acquisition work force in a timely manner and at reasonable costs.
     Acquisition managers should give incentives to their personnel to improve skills with more education and training. Offering better careers is one tool to achieve this. Managers can also utilize the award strategy for innovative ideas, applications among the personnel. Some of the education programs might be mandatory or requirement for some personnel and some positions. However, volunteer based courses should also be offered. Some of the hot topics for education programs are: Earned value management, organizational culture and change management, risk management, cost-benefit analysis, systems engineering and logistics engineering.
     Personnel should be assigned to relevant jobs after they completed a certain education program. This will increase their productivity and motivation. Acquisition managers must be willing to learn and develop themselves and then they should help and encourage their personnel to join education programs.
Ugur Erdemir
Logistics and Acquisition Professional, Industrial Engineer
See also:
7 Natural Human Behaivour
Buzan Study Method
Systems Engineering and Systems Engineer
Excess Inventory and Disposal