Friday, April 5, 2013

Systems Engineering and Systems Engineers

    Systems engineering is a discipline responsible for controlling and managing very complex systems that have many components such that each have some relationship with the other.
    What I remember/learned about it after Systems Engineering course: Systems Engineering is the field that saves human lives. Systems engineering brings us the chance to do the right thing right. Cost, Performance and Schedule are not the only requirements to be successful in a project. Systems Engineering brings Human factor added to these 3 factors. No program can be successful without appropriately qualified people.
   Systems engineering approaches each problem as an abstraction. Abstraction means complexity and to be successful complexity should be reduced into digestible chunks for people. Systems engineering decomposes the complex systems by using models.
   Systems engineering approaches/takes projects  as a system and try to see the whole system.

                                   Chart from Ref 1.

Systems Engineers have many jobs to do :

  • Design COMPLEX systems
  • Operate & manage these systems
  • They test systems once the components have been assembled in order to be sure the system as a whole performs effectively and efficiently as a unit.
   Systems Engineers have some basic principles. They always ask the question “Why?” .
   “Right thing right” is gained by focusing on the requirements. Systems engineers spend most of their time on defining and understanding the requirements during a project. They use planning effectively to deal with the complex systems successfully. They use organization to reduce complexity into small parts which can be solved by human capabilities.
   Systems engineers use diagrams, charts or any visual methods to visualize the systems.
  They work to combine the efforts of different people together to bring out a single complex product ( system).
   Systems engineers are the joint engineers who make all disciplines (all other engineers) to work together in coordination. They are above all disciplines, can see the whole picture at once unlike all other engineers see only one part of the system.
Ugur Erdemir
Logistics & Acquisition Professional, Industrial Engineer